Submitting a Manuscript to Progressive Press

If you have a non-fiction manuscript with a unique topic or slant on politics, history, or biography, please send:

a brief description,
the table of contents,
expected word count,
brief author bio,
eventually a subject area code keyword list,
web address if any for more detailed info on your MS (such as a book proposal).

Also important are the following questions as to your market -

- What is your target market?
- What other books have been published on the same or closely related topics?
- What sort of a market was there for them?
- How does your book stack up against the competition?

Send to: E-mail is the preferred means of communication.

You may also search the internet for Book Proposal Guidelines or Submission Guidelines and pick a format that works for you.


New manuscripts must normally be in digital format. (We can scan existing books for reprinting.)

Be realistic and keep in mind the supply and demand situation in the book market, especially since the invention of the personal computer and on-demand printing:

- A quarter of a million books are published each year in the USA alone, while the average bookstore carries only 10,000 to 50,000 titles.
- Millions of unpublished manuscripts are seeking a publisher, while hundreds of millions of people rely more and more on the Internet for information.
- To compete in this situation it is better to put forth a quality work with timely promotion,
rather than to rush into print "to try to save the world" without preparing the ground for it.
