Progressive Press - Author Biographies and Credentials - 2002-2007

The international expert on international terrorism, Webster Griffin Tarpley directed the 1978 study "Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro?" (Who Killed Aldo Moro?), commissioned by a member of the Italian parliament. This book showed that the "Red Brigades" were the creation of a right-wing network, "Masonic lodge P2", positioned high inside the Italian government (Silvio Berlusconi was a member.)
Tarpley had discovered the principle that state-sponsored false-flag psy-war ops are the source of all strategic international terrorist attentats, excepting only the most amateur, low-level actions. Failure to face this has doomed the peace movement and even the Democratic Party to defeat. Tarpley is a fluent, erudite, spellbinding speaker who has appeared on CNN Crossfire, Charlie Rose, talk radio, and cable access television across North America. He co-authored George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography. More  Wikipedia
Mathias Bröckers is a science writer and investigative journalist. Author of several books and over 600 published articles on culture, science and politics, Broeckers also served as culture editor of Germany's biggest alternative daily, TAZ, from 1981 to 1991. He has an Honors MA degree in linguistics from The Free University, Berlin. He has written two best-selling books in German on 9/11, of which the first, Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of 9/11, is being published by Progressive Press. His website is   More  Wikipedia
Anton Chaitkin is an historian and investigative reporter. Chaitkin has written hundreds of articles on economic and political history and current affairs. His 1985 book Treason in America: from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman, documented the takeover of U.S. policy by "blue-bloods" from their family archives.
Like father like son: During the 1930's Chaitkin's father, a New York attorney and Jewish political activist, carried out a legal fight against Wall Street and London financiers propping up the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler in Germany, resulting in the indictment of Prescott Bush, father of U.S. President George Bush (Sr).
He is co-author with Webster Tarpley of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, which helped decide the 1992 election against Bush. He has collaborated with Lyndon LaRouche since 1966. More.
William John Cox has a JD (Juris Doctor) degree in Criminal Law from Southwestern University. He is a prosecutor for the California State Bar Association disciplinary ethics division. Please see his website for his full bio. His readings from his new book, You're Not Stupid! Get the Truth: A Brief on the Bush Presidency have been enthusiastically received by audiences. In 2005 he wrote several popular anti-war essays for Mediamonitors Network.
Greg Felton is an award-winning columnist and investigative reporter on international politics and the media. His internationally self-syndicated columns on the Middle East appear in the Alberta Arab News,, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and Greg was born and raised in and around Vancouver, B.C. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Russian Studies and a Master's in Political Science from the University of British Columbia.
Jim Hoffman is a software engineer and research scientist. His work in applying scientific visualization to mathematics led to the discovery of the first new examples of complete embedded minimal surfaces in over 100 years, and was featured in Science News, Scientific American, Science Digest, and Nature. Hoffman discovered new 3-dimensional morphologies for modeling block-copolymers, systems used in nanotechnology, and co-authored papers in Science and Macromolecules. He collaborated on new inventions in combustion engineering and is co-owner of the US patent for a linear 2-cycle engine. Jim Hoffman has been researching the World Trade Center collapses since February 2003, and has created the authoritative website, He is co-author of Waking up from our Nightmare: the 9/11 Crimes in New York City.  Wikipedia
Eric Hufschmid wrote Painful Questions when none of the usual "experts on structural engineering" could answer basic, logical questions about the WTC collapses. Some were afraid to, some were prevented from using their usual forensic tools by the illegal removal of the evidence, and others purveyed absurd theories to sell themselves in the corrupt Bush regime scam. Eric is a software engineer with his own business in CAD/CAM design. Eric self-published Painful Questions in August 2002, and ceased distributing it to Progressive Press in 2009. It was the second 9/11 Truth book in English, and remains the authoritative illustrated guide to the controlled demolition of the NYC World Trade Center. See online bio.
Nafeez Ahmed, our youngest author, started writing political critiques of imperialism for the online journal Media Monitors Network in 2001. In July 2002 his manuscript became the first exposé of 9/11 to be published as a book in English. Publisher John Leonard also wrote an epilogue to it, of which an update is online.Nafeez went on to get a Masters Degree from the University of Sussex and write more books: Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq; The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism; and The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry.  Wikipedia
In 1971 Don Paul was the youngest winner of a Stegner Fellowship in Creative Writing at Stanford University. Between 1973 and 1980 he worked as a logger or "roughneck." He qualified for the U.S. Men's Olympic Marathon Trial in 1980 and 1988. In 1988 he began to put poems to music by his brother Kenton. Since then he's done more than 20 recordings, including the Rebel Poets albums. He works with human rights organizations in Hunters Point of San Francisco. He is co-author of Waking up from our Nightmare: the 9/11 Crimes in New York City , now out of print, and author of Facing our Fascist State, which has not been published.
Kevin Barrett has taught English, French, Arabic, American Civilization, Humanities, African Literature, Folklore, and Islam at universities in the San Francisco Bay area, Paris, and Madison, WI. His first book was A Guide to Mysterious San Francisco: Dr. Weirde's Weirde Tours. He became a 9/11 truth activist in 2004 after reading and research convinced him that 9/11 was an "inside job." He is the editor of 9/11 and the American Empire v. 2: Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out. More about Kevin will be found in Truth Jihad itself and on his website,, the Muslim-Jewish-Christian alliance. His latest writing is chronicled there, at, and on our radio page. He has been roundly attacked by right-wing hatchet jobs for discussing 9/11 in college courses; his robust defense brought him notoriety and led to this book.  Wikipedia
Progressive Press publisher John-Paul Leonard did his BA in Political Science at UCLA and a Masters in Finance at UC Berkeley. After a business career that took him for 18 years to Europe, East and West, he returned to the USA and took over the family business, Tree of Life Publications, between two moments which reawakened him to politics: Al-Aqsa Intifada and 9/11. Like Nafeez Ahmed and Samah Jabr he was a frequent contributor to Media Monitors Network during that period. A sample of his writing is the update to his epilogue to The War on Freedom.

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